Maintaining the condition of your skis and boards is undoubtedly one of the easiest and least expensive ways to improve your on-snow technical ability. In these articles you will learn how to tune your equipment effectively and efficiently but do remember these are the basics. With practice and experience you will develop your own tricks with proficiency. This in turn will make skiing and boarding much more enjoyable, safer, easier and give you more confidence, especially if one of your goals is to go faster or perform better on more challenging terrain. We often think our equipment works fine, however we may not realize what it feels like to ski and ride on properly tuned gear. Remember, setting your new skis or boards up should be based on your current strength and skill level. When this is done correctly you optimize your ability to improve your on-hill skills since tuning and skill development are directly related. ALWAYS BE IN TUNE. Good luck!
Below you'll find the following complimentary documents: the 4-Step Ski Tuning Checklist, 15 Minute Ski Tuning Maintenance Checklist & our Tuning Degree Guidelines chart.
SIDECUT 4 Step Ski Tuning System (for brand new skis or boards)
SIDECUT 15 minute Tuning Maintenance System
SIDECUT Tuning Degree Guidelines
SIDECUT Entretien des skis (en 4 Étapes pour skis neufs)
SIDECUT Entretien quotidien des skis (en 15 minutes et 3 Étapes)
Ski Base Repair Instructions:
Scrape Your Base:Scrape your base with a Plexi Scraper then remove deeper oxidation and dirt with your Oval Brass Brush OR Brass or Soft Steel Roto Brushes and if desired finish with an alcohol/water based solution to remove further surface dirt, dust and fingerprints. (Note: We will cover this step in more detail prior to waxing). Read rest of the instructions about ski base repair »
Step One - Base Edge Tuning:
After fixing any marks on your base it's important to determine the flatness of your base and your current base-edge bevel. Even brand new equipment may come edge-high and therefore base-edge work (flat filing or stoning) will be required before your first day on the snow to prevent frustration. Depending on snow conditions and individual preferences, skis and boards are base-edged beveled differently; 0.5 to 1.0 degree of base-edge bevel is most common. The current trend is as follows: 0.5-0.7 degrees – for all Slalom skis and agressive carving style skiers and boarders. 0.5-1.0 degrees for all GS/SG skis and 0.7-1.0 for both free-ride skiers and boarders. Read more about base edge tuning »
Step Two - Topsheet & Sidewall Preparation:
The Top-Sheet on new skis & boards are often very 'square' in the tips and tails which can interfere with your ability to apply the correct side-edge bevel. Without adjusting this profile it’s difficult to file correctly, due to insufficient clearance for the file to cut the edge. Read more about top sheet and sidewall preparation »
Step Three - Side Edge Tuning:
When you “carve” on your skis or boards there is one contact point between you and the snow - your edge. To attain optimal balance on an edged ski or board it is crucial that they be consistently and accurately sharp throughout their length. This makes “committing” to the ski or board much easier on harder terrain and respond better on easier terrain. The increased sense of “trust” you'll receive in your equipment will have a destinct link to speeding up your learning progression. To attain the utmost accuracy and consistency when side-edge tuning it is necessary to have a “File Guide with a Trigger Clamp”. The most common file guides range from 1-5 degrees. Determining the right degree of side bevel varies greatly from personal preference, strength and your ability level. Read more about side edge tuning »
Step Four - Waxing The Skis:
Choosing wax depends on whether or not you are competing and how fast you want your skis or boards to run. Purchasing wax nowadays can be rather confusing. To help make it a little easier for you here are 4 main categories namely Hydrocarbon waxes, Low Fluorinated Waxes, High Fluorinated Waxes & Nanox Waxes. Read more about waxing the skis »